Path Overview
Proficiency in Bookkeeping and QuickBooks is a highly valuable skill in today’s job market. Nine out of ten offices use QuickBooks software to run their businesses, and many employers are looking for office admin applicants who are proficient using that software to help with billing and payroll.
Imagine positioning yourself as a highly skilled job candidate with a Certified Bookkeeper certification and Certified QuickBooks User certification on your resume. These highly valued credentials alone can move you to the top of the interview pile. With these two Intuit certifications, you can also apply to work directly for Intuit doing remote work.
If you are new to bookkeeping, then you need to start with the Accounting Fundamentals course and the MS365 Excel course in Career Campus. Both of these courses are prereqs for the Bookkeeping and QuickBooks course.
Once you complete those two courses, you can then request a scholarship for the 12-week Bookkeeping course and 12-week QuickBooks Online course. We strongly suggest you take the Bookkeeping course before taking the QuickBooks course. We run both courses four times each year. Each course includes Intuit software, online lessons and exercises, and a weekly virtual class.
NOTE: the Intuit certification exam is included with the Bookkeeping course, but the exam is not included with the QuickBooks course. Our QuickBooks course will prepare you for the QuickBooks exam, but you’ll have to pay Intuit separately to take the exam. Certification instructions will be given to you by the instructor.
To learn more about the Bookkeeping and QuickBooks course and to request a scholarship, just click either course on this page.