Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2: Complex Selectors
In this course, you will learn how to use commonly used selectors, child selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-selectors. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding: Getting Started with CSS
In this course you will learn how to add the "style" tag to the HTML code, add colors to elements with CSS, and use identifiers to select elements to style. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2: Writing Your Best Code
In this course, you will learn about, standards-compliant markup, semantic elements, proper document structure, syntax organization, organizing code with comments, writing CSS with multiple lines and spaces, using proper class names, and using shorthand properties and values. -
Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2: How to Position Content
In this course, you will learn about positioning content with floats, clearing and containing floats, positioning with inline-block, and clearing white-space when using inline-block.